Radio Programs

For LS1, Radio Municipal, Buenos Aires:
Team member in Emilio A. Stevanovich’s “Semanario Teatral del Aire”. Interviews with Arthur Adamov, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Max Frisch, Franco Zefirelli, Anna Magnani, Ingrid Bergman, Theo Otto, and many other writers, directors and actors.

A variety of programs, among them “Theatre Research” and “The Book of
Books”, written and presented by himself.

For Kol Israel (Israel Broadcasting Authority):
Various programs among them: “Jacques Offenbach” (a series in 4 parts).
“G.F.Haendel”, “Rolf Lieberman”, “Antonio José da Silva, O Judeu”.
In Radio Sefarad, a series about the life and works by Jacques Offenbach.